Sebastian Zadora, director at Dom Maklerski BOŚ, panelist at CFA Society Poland Annual Conference 2024

Sebastian Zadora


BOŚ Brockerage House

Sebastian Zadora is a graduate of the Warsaw University of Technology, with a degree in computer engineering. Since 2005, he has been professionally involved in financial markets. He has worked as a treasury product manager at Bank Handlowy in Warsaw (Citigroup) and Bank BPH, as well as in brokerage houses handling both exchange and OTC transactions. Since 2009, he has been a director at Dom Maklerski BOŚ, where he is responsible for promoting the company’s offering and educational activities. He is also an active investor.


CFA Society Poland powstało w 2004 roku i jest jednym ze 157 lokalnych stowarzyszeń międzynarodowego CFA Institute. Organizacja obecna jest w 70 krajach i zrzesza blisko 200 tys. przedstawicieli branży finansowej, obecnych w ponad 164 krajach. CFA Society Poland rozpowszechnia i realizuje najwyższe standardy etyczne oraz edukacyjne w zakresie działań branży inwestycyjnej w Polsce.