Katarzyna Sekscińska, Assistant Professor at the University of Warsaw, panelist at CFA Society Poland Annual Conference 2024

Dr. habil. Katarzyna Sekscińska

Assistant Professor

University of Warsaw

Dr. habil. Katarzyna Sekscińska is a social sciences researcher in the field of psychology, coach, and trainer. She is both a psychologist and an economist, serving as an assistant professor at the Department of Business Psychology and Social Applications at the Faculty of Psychology, University of Warsaw. Her research interests include financial psychology, consumer psychology, and behavioral economics. She is particularly focused on the psychological and sociological factors influencing risky financial decisions and consumer choices, as well as issues of economic socialization. Katarzyna is the author of over 40 scientific articles published in high-impact national and international journals and has given more than 120 presentations at academic and business conferences. For many years, she has collaborated with financial institutions, the IT sector, and companies from the fashion & lifestyle industry, successfully combining academic research with practice in over 100 R&D, research, and training projects.



CFA Society Poland powstało w 2004 roku i jest jednym ze 157 lokalnych stowarzyszeń międzynarodowego CFA Institute. Organizacja obecna jest w 70 krajach i zrzesza blisko 200 tys. przedstawicieli branży finansowej, obecnych w ponad 164 krajach. CFA Society Poland rozpowszechnia i realizuje najwyższe standardy etyczne oraz edukacyjne w zakresie działań branży inwestycyjnej w Polsce.